Thursday, March 10, 2011

Don't Let It Go to Your Head

Many sightings over the last few weeks of head accessories which are noteworthy. And let's exclude the Charlie Sheen "What Happens In Vegas.." hat that he must have bought in an airport, and the array of snake charmer and Michael Jackson headwear that Moammar has been styling during his recent rants. With these exclusions, I have a list of three worth commentary:

DeMaurice Smith, head NFL Union guy, has been wearing something that defies description and which screams "look at me I'm little but I am still the leader of these giant guys and they will protect me". The little dandy looks like Sammy Davis Jr. in his role in the old flick Robin and the Seven Hoods. No wonder the negotiations are so protracted - it must take a few hours for the guys around the table to stop snickering when he walks in with that hat.

Then Tom Brady, you know that Super Bowl hero quarterback from the Patriots, has been photographed with a pony tail, and then more recently with a comb across the entire width of his head, you know like my wife wears. Tommy, listen to me - YOU ARE NOT THE SUPER MODEL, it's your wife. Keep it up son and you will only be operating out of the shotgun this season - your center won't want any part of you snuggling up to his man gear on a center exchange. You'll have your locker moved to the Lance Rentzel part of the locker room before you can say Vidal Sassoon.

Finally, did you see what Rory Sabbatini had on his head during the final round of the Tournament last Sunday? This hat made him look like he Monday qualified for the Senior Lesbian Open and missed the cut. Come on Rory, wear a bucket hat like your buddy Ben Crane to protect your skin or just load up with the white stuff till you look like Casper (the ghost, not Billy). Just stay in your room rather than leave the house like that again.

BBFN - Fanatticman

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Less of Moore

Somebody please stick a pin in Michael Moore. I want to see this gas bag just fly up into the air and swirl around and finally disappear. Are you kidding me? How can this dirigible say what he says and have people actually applaud him?You might as well have p-p-Porky pig standing there preaching nonsense to you as this helium filled moron; well at least Moore keeps his pants on unlike his bovine cousin.

He shows up in Wisconsin and says Wisconsin and the U.S. are not broke - they have plenty of money, and the knuckleheads applaud him. Huh? These state pension systems are so broke that a little giveback is not much to ask in order to keep them solvent. They can't just print extra money like the Feds do - they actually have to balance their finances. Maybe fatso would like to ante up the 3.6 billion or so that Wisconsin needs to break even.

It's appalling that someone so ridiculous gets serious attention afforded to his comments. As long as he is near a meat packing plant there in the Heartland someone ought to put his flabby rear end in a truck and cart him over to the plant and put a big Jimmy Dean skin and wrapper on this talking sausage and be done with it. Later, I'll tell you how I really feel.

BBFN - Fanatticman

Monday, March 7, 2011

What would Ms. Roseannadanna say?

What's all this fuss about a no fly zone? How the heck are you supposed to put your pants on without a fly? And if we are thinking about enforcing a no fly zone, who the heck is gonna do it, Brett Favre? Maybe we could get Ken Griffey since he ain't playing anymore baseball. He used to catch all the flies and used to even bang off of those walls to do it.

Then there is all of the fuss about the King's speech. Well I watch a lot of golf on TV and I am sure that I haven't heard hardly a peep out of Arnold Palmer for some time now. The King's speech this, the King's speech that, and then they give him some kind of an award for talking. Well I like Arnold Palmer too, but he hasn't said boo lately.

And all the stuff about this guy Sheen and his hoes. I didn't even know he was a farmer. And then how can a farmer keep winning? Is he entering a lot of state fairs? Is he entering his pigs or what? Now he's doing a webcast. Did he train his spiders on the farm?

Lots of fuss over nothing. Well, nevermind.

BBFN - Fanatticman

Thursday, March 3, 2011


How about the 14 state senators from Wisconsin who bolted to Illinois so they would not have to vote on a budget measure that they knew they would lose?Never, ever thought I would see something like this in America. Now in Iran, maybe, because there you could lose the ability to run for the rest of your life by casting the wrong vote, you know what I mean stumpy? But in the heartland, home of the Packers and the cheeseheads and cows and, oh yes, chickens - apparently chickens of the elected type just take off when the going gets tough.

I am sure that these folks took some kind of oath to do their jobs as state senators when they were sworn in and I'll bet they didn't get a triptik to Illinois as part of their State Senate orientation package. I guess you can call me old fashioned, but I thought they were to represent their districts and debate legislation and ultimately vote on things that are legitimately moved through the process.

Guess in Wisconsin oaths don't mean too much, because these folks are soon to have a posse set out to hunt them down and return them to their day of reckoning back home. How can they hold their heads up after this total display of political cowardice? It's ironic, to say the least, that people all over the world are out in the streets, dying for the privilege to govern themselves, while these losers are refusing to do their sworn duty in the legislative process in a sovereign state within the greatest democracy in the world.

Well I wouldn't be putting their faces on any milk cartons anytime soon. I am sure that Wisconsin would be better off without these folks in elected positions. They will probably take off to Iowa next time they don't like the food in the Capitol cafeteria.

BBFN - Fanatticman

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


One thing is for certain, this guy is not related to Bishop Sheen. Holy crap, Batman, I caught a few of the lowlights of his numerous spiels as he made the rounds on the TV circuit yesterday trying to prove his sobriety and his sanity - and the verdict is, as the texters like to say "OMG". And as I like to say, where did this guy park the flying saucer?

Shouldn't there have been an early intervention years ago with him when this stuff started? How did he get to this place (wherever that is)? He makes Reverend Jim from the old Taxi TV series seem like a damn Quaker. The best writers in his industry could never have come up with the stuff that came out of his mouth yesterday.

Then there is the sad reality that in a few weeks, I'll bet he signs a contract with somebody to do something on TV once again. It's unfortunate that everyone slows down to see the aftermath of a catastrophic car crash on a highway but that's the way it is. Well we are watching one horrific car crash in the making and nobody seems willing or capable of preventing it with Charlie. I hope he has 911 on his speed dial because I don't think he will be able to dial 3 numbers when the inevitable moment arrives.

BBFN - Fanatticman