Tuesday, May 17, 2011


I have watched this fiasco continue long enough - time to fix the issue of balls and strikes in MLB. If you are a fan and watch a lot of games on TV, you can't help but notice the absolutely indiscriminate, inconsistent strike zone that umpires have. It's crazy and it's unfair and it's wrongheaded to let this continue. Let the arrogant morons call plays at the plate, foul balls and other less frequent issues like interference, but take away their ball and strike calling. The technology we see every day on TV can be used to fairly decide if a pitch is in the strike zone.

There are idiots with Grand Canyon egos like Joe West and Jim Joyce calling stuff all over the place as strikes, and missing meat right down the middle - and God help you if a player takes issue with these blind bastards because he'll be lathering up with his favorite shower lotion quicker than you can say "Dove for Men". These guys ought to go on an Apprentice episode for arrogant assholes because they would never be fired.

And then the announcers, so they don't tee these guys off say things like,"well just
as long as he is consistent with that inside call it's OK". No! It's not OK! FIX IT!
They can't do what technology can - there will be no question, the game will be faster, fairer and that's what the sport needs. These blind guys can take away a championship that a team worked all year to earn with awful calls in an important game.

So Mr. Selig and MLB, fix the game - get some technology out there to give the pitchers and batters a fair shake. If you don't do something soon, we're going to unleash Earl Weaver on you and let him turn his hat around and spit in your face as he throws a tantrum. Now that's baseball.

BBFN - Fanatticman