Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Cue the Locusts

Hope those hoards of voracious flying insects are warming up in the green room because they must be about to descend on the east coast. Jumpin' Mary, hows about a quake, aftershocks, and Good Night Irene arriving in the same week? I miss my dog who died a few years ago, but she would be hiding under a coffee table afraid to take light nourishment after this recent climatic and geologic freak show.

So when the quake hit, I reacted calmly as is my custom and thought, well let's run into the bathroom. And as I was running in that direction, I thought, no fool, that's for tornadoes. Then I heard stuff starting to fall off of shelves and I said, abandon the damn ship, I ain't the captain(she wasn't home)and I bolted out the front door. There I could feel the fence, which I was hanging onto, and the driveway moving as I looked up at the side of my house waiting to watch it fall apart any second. After it stopped I went in to survey the damage and there was junk on the floor from the shelves and pictures tipped on the walls like you were in a Dali exhibit. Yet the only two permanent casualties were two golf trophies that were in pieces on the floor. They were both of golfers with a bad set up position anyway, so no real loss.

Anyway, I have seen a few locusts hanging around the exterior of my garage recently so I have got to prepare. I am trying to remember from my grade school days how my mom had stocked the fallout shelter. Oh yeah, off to the store for some Campbell's soup.

BBFN - Fanatticman