Monday, July 25, 2011

The Debt Ceiling

So despite what political pundits are saying, I think we have more than exceeded our debt ceiling. If you pile those debts up on top of each other you will not only reach the ceiling and go through the roof, you will probably reach the stratosphere, where space shuttles jettison their booster rockets like our government did it's fiscal common sense about six to seven years ago.

So now we have the President looking for a "big" solution and the opposition looking for an extension. This is mind-numbing street theater of the worst possible type. And in a city known for tragedy at the theater (just ask Mrs. Lincoln), this nonsense has got to stop and some adults need to enter the discussion and fix the mess. We can't be everything to everybody any longer, we can't police the world with our brave armed forces anymore, we can't continue to let 5% of our population carry 60% of the tax burden, and we can't condemn our children's children to a desperate future by not curbing our over generous system of entitlements.

So let's allow Roger Goodell and DeMaurice Smith to take over the negotiations. They have just resolved something much greater than our National Debt- they have nothing to do now that pro football is fixed for 10 years, so why not? Look at it this way - in Congress, when a guy sends dickpix to a woman, they make him resign; while in the NFL, they'll put him in the Hall of Fame, despite his indickscretions. Which is the happier solution? To use the popular political jargon we have been hearing for the last six months, let's stop kicking the can down the road, and let's start kicking the football down the field to fiscal solvency. Nice how it all comes together sometimes, ain't it bro?

BBFN - Fanatticman

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Casey Anthony FRENZY

I am saddened at the thought of the poor little girl who died, apparently of unknown causes, but I am totally mystified about the 3 year coverage and total immersion by the media into this trial. Am I the lone person in America who thinks this way? Now that this is over, let's pray that people like Nancy Grace and these other courtroom pundits take a real long vacation. I know it won't happen because America seems to be devolving into one big trailer park. Snobby comment, I know. But the fascination people have for low rent, single digit IQ folks who commit these crimes and foul up their surroundings quicker than an untrained puppy is apparently immeasurable.

And there is no safe haven from this Anthony frenzy:

The weather channel is naming a tropical storm Caylee

Sportscenter keeps talking about Casey at the bat

Bloomberg broke into their early morning coverage of the Asian markets with the verdict announcement apparently implying that Apple may now accelerate their development of the Casey Anthony app

And the SyFy channel is promoting Extra Terrestrial involvement in this whole affair

Don't know about you, but I'm headed for the golf course. But my smartphone has been programmed to zap me alerts of any breaking news concerning juror interviews. Beam me up Scotty - not sure what nebula we have entered into.

BBFN - Fanatticman

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Losing My Appetitie

It's only fitting that after the Anthony Weiner scandal there would be a copycat crime - yes my hale and hardy companions on the journey, it's professional hot dog eating! Can there be anything worse than this assault on our culture? These dolts jamming 50-60 tube steaks down their pieholes have got to be stopped. The 4th of July is a great day, one that is rightfully celebrated with baseball, picnics, parades and fireworks. How did rounding up 10-20 of the dumbest, most ignorant people in America and watching them slobber up their faces with crushed weiner, bun and water become part of our great National holiday? Teacher, teacher - I know !!It's because we are becoming so freakin' dumb as a nation, THAT'S WHY.

A recent study showed that @16 per cent of our kids knew who Abraham Lincoln was.No big deal - they probably know all about Joey Chestnut. What the hell is going on around here? The morons who produce and sell this junk to America via TV are making us stupider than we have a right to be. The epidemic of reality TV is to blame for most of this phenomenon - the TV folks realized how stupid we are becoming and decided to just give us more of the same slop on almost every channel, network or cable. They are happy that people tune in religiously to this aimless, mindless drivel because it becomes just a big cycle after all - the more junk they produce, the more people watch and the more that they watch, the bigger their appetite for dopey, cheap and garbage TV becomes. The guy who called TV a "vast wasteland" was clairvoyant because he had no idea how bad it would become; he probably thought having a hot dog on the 4th of July was a good thing. Leave it to Joey Chestnut and his ilk and Junk TV executives to make eating a hot dog appear so unappetizing - unless of course you are about to appear on The Biggest Loser.

BBFN - Fanatticman