Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Anthony's Weiner

Well, Well, Well - the guy who said you can't make this up was grossly underestimating this situation. The unbelievably arrogant and cocky Mr. Weiner admits to bombarding cyberspace with photos of his Oscar Mayer and then tearfully apologizes, while insisting he should not have to resign. I guess he figures that as long as his little Anthony can stay on his feet, so should he.

And under the dome where the largest collection of hypocrites, liars and self-absorbed cretans roams the halls, can it be long until there are more disclosures of similar tweets and facebook photos. This may be the tip of the iceberg, if you catch my drift, with these potential coming attractions as sequels to Anthony's Weiner:

Harry's Reid
John's Boehner
Barney's Frank

And if the epidemic spreads to the female side you could be looking at:

Nancy's Pelosi for God sake.

No, No, No sunshine, you can't make it up. Anthony's Weiner is something not to relish, but to be covered up again; this time with mustard.

BBFN - Fanatticman

1 comment:

  1. Most Excellent!

    May I add Tim's (D-SC) and Ron's (R-WI) Johnson!

    Still laughing......
