Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Greece The Skids

So the European Union has agreed to cough up 17 billion to help Greece from going bankrupt. There will be more billions needed in September to keep the country afloat and the other European countries will probably swallow hard and give it to them. Yet the newscast is full of idiots in the streets of Athens rioting with police and causing mayhem. As Desi Arnaz used to say to Lucille Ball, "'Splain it to me Luci."

I know that there will be cuts to salaries and benefits of civil servants and that government functions will need to be reduced under a new austere budget, but can anyone articulate alternatives? Would the morons with the masks in the streets prefer that the entire country go bankrupt and that civil servants be fired and government functions totally eliminated? Can these be the descendants of Pericles, Socrates and Hippocrates? Or are they distant cousins of Moe, Larry and Curly?
The behavior indicates the latter lineage. Hopefully the populace at large will understand that austerity is necessarily the way forward and that Zeus will not be arriving anytime soon to rain down gold coins into the Hellenic treasury.

In the meantime, can someone call up a legion of Spartans to quell the stooges in the street before they destroy the place. The poor Athenian police appear to be woefully overmatched at this point. This entire episode, much like the takeover of the State Capitol in Wisconsin, is totally Greek to me.

BBFN - Fanatticman

1 comment:

  1. F-Man, no doubt they are leftists and communists, probably from all over Europe and even some from the U.S.

    Same types in Wisconsin with busloads bused in by Obama's Organizing for America. I'm sure they'll all take a moment tomorrow to read the Declaration of Independence and give thanks for the birth of this great nation.
