Tuesday, June 21, 2011

A Few Things I Hope To Ask God Someday

I try to keep in perspective how lucky we are to live in this country and to be afforded the blessings and freedom which we all share. And it's all because of God. He must be terrific. Look at all of the stuff he created and look at all that he puts up with. He has been very generous to me and my family and has tolerated a lot from yours truly over the years. And yet I'm like mostly everybody else; I am still asking for stuff and not totally satisfied with the what I have. Good thing he doesn't take it personally. Probably just watches the circus and says to himself,
"I should have known". But that's the whole point, isn't it? He did know. And so if I ever get to see him face to face, there are more than a few questions I have got to pose to him. The list could go on for pages, so consider this the short list of icebreaker questions:

How did Hitler get through quality control? I know you are too busy to inspect all of your creations, but shouldn't some department head roll because of that?

What's up with the irony of good food vs. bad food? You could have made beer, chocolate and potato chips healthy foods and stuck cauliflower and brussel sprouts in the junk column. I'm just saying!

Why don't you like Haitians?

Could you have made the holes on a golf green 6" wide instead of 4"?

Was Keith Olberman really necessary?

Explain gnats to me.

Can you stop with the Tornadoes please.
With all due respect if you want to see the awesome power of your creations once in a while, you might consider a ride in a Porsche on the Autobahn.

Do we get a day off from purgatory every time our wives use a credit card? Is there some redeeming value associated with endless spending of which we mortals are unaware?

And lastly, for now, is the good thief really up there with you?

BBFN - Fanatticman

1 comment:

  1. F-Man, I laughed-out-loud at the good food/bad food question.

    I've always wanted to ask why human babies are able to walk before they understand "NO!"

    One of your best. Thanks!
