Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Left Lane Blockers

Why do people insist on blocking the left lane when they, and everybody else driving on the road, would be much happier if they drove in the right lane so faster cars can pass on the left - What is so complicated about this?

I know that I am not a traffic enginer, but I am fairly certain that they started to build second lanes to accommodate increased traffic flow and to LET PEOPLE PASS ON THE LEFT!! Does it make them happy to see people with smoke coming out of their ears when they look in the rearview mirror? Do they get a perverse sense of satisfaction knowing that they can back up traffic for miles with this simple, selfish act while simultaneously turning the average mild mannered guy into Goofy, of the old Disney cartoon. You know the one where he turns into a devil with horns and a demonic demeanor when he gets behind the wheel. Well he must have been behind one of these left lane blockers - they could make a nun throw the IQ salute at them with their oblivious and inconsiderate behavior.

And with the increasing number of aggressive drivers on the road today, they maybe should fear for their lives hanging out in the fast lane. These morons don't care if they run you off the road, so why would the lane blocking crowd want to supercharge these mindless idiots by hanging out there looking for trouble? Just get over, get home safely, and practice hugging the right side of the hallway when you're walking around your home. Just get in the habit of moseying along on the right for when you get back in your car. Bumping into a few coffee tables or knocking over a vase is a lot better than being splattered against the left jersey barrier by a maniac the next time you decide to become a one man blockade.

BBFN - Fanatticman

1 comment:

  1. F-Man: A bit of road rage is about the only thing I miss about work!
