Friday, January 21, 2011

Paddy's not a Baddy

Poor Padraig Harrington, who just seems like one of the most honest and friendly guys in the world, was kicked out of the tournament in Abu Dhabi for the stupidest little thing. He was replacing his golf ball on the green when it was his turn to putt and he accidentally moved the ball about the length of a dimple -not the one on his face, the one on his Titleist. So instead of penalizing him a stroke this morning when he showed up, they kicked him out of the event for signing an incorrect scorecard. Hey, we need to get these officials to leave their job and come on over and work at Guantanamo. That will solve two problems at once.

These golf rules that are enforced by these officials must have been written by Goebels, the guy who got Adolf's golf shirts laid out on the bed for him each morning. I mean is it too much to ask that some of these extreme penalties be revisited for the good of the game? And how about simplifying some of these things so that freakin' Copernicus doesn't have to be called in to tell you where you can drop the ball after it goes in a hazard.

Now I love to play golf, but I have pretty much given up trying to compete, except in little club scrambles. And it's a good thing because I just don't have the temperament for these arcane rules. No one would have to DQ me for the little error that Paddy made because if anyone called me on it I would retire to the Clubhouse for a Pale Ale, and then hurry to a place of sacrifice to slaughter a groundhog while invoking the wrath of Snapfadeulus (the god of golf) upon my accuser.

So PGA and USGA and R&A, wake up and get with it - your rules are about as out of date as the old gutta percha balls that Old Tom used to whack around the pasture.

BBFN - Fanatticman

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