Saturday, January 15, 2011

Lost in Space

I am still miffed about the decision a bunch of nerdy guys made several years ago to do away with Pluto - and I am not talking about Mickey Mouse's dog. I mean the planet, or ex-planet at this point.

You know we were all happy knowing about our little solar system and our nice little planets with familiar names. Everything was right and all these chunks of cosmic minerals knew their place. But no - not good enough for some guys - they decided that our old friend Pluto wasn't significant enough to be a planet so they delisted it. You mean that's all it takes to change the solar system as we knew it - to change something so ingrained into our society? This was intellectual snobbery and when it happened everybody just stood by and it was done with nary a whimper. Where was the outrage? Heck if this can happen what's next, changing the calendar of the Zodiac? Well don't look now but our passive acceptance of dropping Pluto from the planetary roster has led to another outrage - I used to be a Sagitarrius until 2 days ago when they made me an Ophiuchus ?? These guys have to be stopped. Next they wil be telling us that Zeus doesn't live on Mt. Olympus or that leap year was a charade.

I think I am going to organize a resistance movement to push back against all of these assaults to our time honored and well known societal conventions. And I am going to start next Garfday - no it's not a typo -it's the new day of the week they shoved in there between Wednesday and Thursday. You'll get used to it.

BBFN - Fanatticman

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