Thursday, January 27, 2011

Power Dream

A big snow storm with wet, heavy flakes blew in last night and also blew out the power at my house. Pine trees were cracking and falling down everywhere laden with the cold, white crap that everyone says is so beautiful. It was inevitable that these trees would hit the old overhead lines that feed my early 1980's community and as it was foretold, so it would pass.

The power was out for about 11 hours and somewhere in that span I managed to collect 6-7 hours of Ambien induced sleep. And it was rather fitful sleep at that. I kept waking up wondering why the power hadn't been restored and even called the power company at 3 am to get an update on their estimate for restoration, only to receive the same automated responses that I received when I called to report the outage some 7 hours earlier. But there was a dream worth remembering with my father and mother and brother and a power outage at the house where we grew up. My brother and I had just returned from golfing(what a surprise) and my mom was a little irritated because the loss of electricity was hampering her house chores. Then appears my father, sweating and carrying a huge coil of heavy-duty electrical cord wrapped around his right shoulder. At the end of the coil was some kind of attachment with these sharp saw-like teeth on it, and as he walked in and dropped the vicious looking coil on the floor, he announced with a tone of aggravation, "Okay, it's fixed".

I had just been up for only a few minutes from my sporadic sleep with his conclusive statement fresh in my memory when the power came back on. And I thought to myself, "Thanks Dad!"

BBFN - Fanatticman

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