Thursday, January 13, 2011

Say What?

Have you ever stopped to think about some of the sayings we use in our everyday discourse. Since I have so little on my mind, I have thought about it and I need help trying to figure a few of them out.

How about this one: " Catch as catch can?" HUH? I guess it means do whatever you can do. But who, in God's name, is this guy catch? How can I catch as he does if I don't know what he's up to? Does he use an outfielder's glove or Under Armour gloves like a wide receiver? Who came up with this and does it make any sense?

And this one: "Butter wouldn't melt in his mouth". Well if he's a normal person he must be chewing the hell out of his butter and not waiting for the stuff to melt anyway, or else he would have a big mouthful of butter carried over for many meals. Who cares if it wouldn't melt - my butter's gone with my mashed potatoes in a heartbeat.

And " Six of one, half-dozen of another". For our math challenged brethren this is troublesome. First, they dont know how many in a dozen and secondly, they have to move to both hands to count to six - it's replete with obstacles, exceedingly wordy and awkward to say. Why not say, "five of one and four plus one of another" ? See, it's stupid. And I am saying this with butter melting in my mouth.

BBFN - Fanatticman

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