Wednesday, December 29, 2010

An Airline Crime Against Humanity

Wow - just heard about planes that sat on the tarmac for 11 hours after landing because they couldn't get them to a gate due to the heavy snows. How about hooking it up to a damn Ford 150 pickup like they do in the TV ads. Try something, anything - let them walk to a gate with Saint Bernards in the lead.

Can you imagine the relief when you finally land in tough conditions and then the voice comes over the intercom saying there will be a slight delay getting to your gate - no biggie, you're safe, you're at your destination, so what's a few minutes. Then at about hour four sitting next to the fat guy, and behind the poor mom with 2 screaming kids, you realize that there are no more sharp instruments in your carry-on. This is when you have to get creative and search the plane for other ways to commit suicide. If you could only get the oxygen mask to drop down, that cord might be strong enough for strangling yourself.

It's also a pretty safe bet that all of the booze and food are gone after a few hours, so now you have several hundred people who need to use the four stinking little restrooms for another eight hours or so. There can't be enough air freshener or Purell in the world to keep this stranded sardine can of humanity from smelling like anything but a landfill.

Then as you finally depart 11 hours later they say "and please make sure to check the monitors in the airport to see what time NEXT YEAR your connecting flight will be departing".

Isn't holiday travel fun? At least you got that new tie from Uncle Buster and that crocheted vest from Aunt Flo.

BBFN - Fanatticman

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