Monday, December 20, 2010

Please stop saying these things

Why do people insist on calling the NFL team from Jacksonville the "JagWIRES"? Why - oh -Why? Doesn't it hurt your ears? It makes fingernails on a chalkboard sound pleasing. People can pronounce the animal or the car properly , "oh look at the new Jaguar, nice looking car" and it comes out just fine. But let them venture into the lexicon of NFL team names and they choke like Phil Mickelson needing to break par on a Sunday. Please folks, maybe a little practice - say "Jaguar" and leave the wires to the electricians.

"Let me be honest with you" is a saying that lets the listener know that everything else you just said was a lie. This is a phrase that practically every politician should use. Then it would have real application because they lie all the time. So announcing a clarion moment when the truth is about to spill out of their lips would be something to point out for sure. But then again, how would we know they were "really being honest". It quickly becomes circular if you stay with this discussion too long.

And then there is "At the end of the day". Every commentator on every subject gloms on to this as if it's a law that they use it in every other sentence. Stop it PLEASE! How about a few real creative cliches like "when the party's over" or "when it's all said and done". It must be part of the tryout when you are being interviewed to be a talking head that they evaluate you on habitual and unnecessary use of this phrase. Seems that everybody passed with flying colors.

So in conclusion I would like to crow about the phenomenal comeback by the Eagles yesterday against the Giants, but let me be honest with you, at the end of the day it's all been said. Heck, they even beat the Jagwires.

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