Wednesday, December 22, 2010

UCONN and Geno

Great accomplishment by the UCONN women's team. They'll probably go on to win over 100 in a row, but I hope they don't. I am suffering from Geno overload. I can't turn on a sports show of any kind without seeing his mug and listening to his whining comments complaining about sports media. Hey Geno, you just set a record that is probably unbreakable - lighten up! What's going to happen when you lose one - suicide on Sportscenter?

Also, does this mean that every game they win in a row from now on, we will have to be exposed to in depth coverage about each win? Come on - Geno will run out of stupid things to say after the next game, well, maybe not. He's showing no signs of slowing down so far.

The team members are great: happy, confident, loaded with enthusiasm - absolutely super talented young women. So don't misconstrue my comments - this is not a slam against them. But their cranky coach and his tedious demeanor have worn me down. Without Maya Moore you'd be a good team, but not this undefeated juggernaut. So why don't you smile and soak it in buddy? Why don't you stop trying to say clever things about the comparison between you and Wooden and stifle your impulse to be snarky? That's my job. Your 15 minutes has already lasted a few years, and it feels like decades.

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