Tuesday, December 21, 2010


So I was going into Target the other day and I found myself standing in front of a door which wouldn't open. It was early, only one cup of coffee eating away at my stomach lining, and I was probably thinking about golf. But it still should have opened automatically like these high traffic doors always do. But alas, I was standing in front of the exit door like a dope. But it felt like I had done everything right; afterall this was the door on the right side, you know drive on the right, walk on the right as we are all conditioned to do in America. Yet this door on the right of the two I could choose from was the exit. Hey, this isn't England! They must be conspiring against the drowsy and dim-witted. So I figured out how to get in, quickly made my purchase, and was funneled into the exit door (also on the left) on my way out. I was amazed they could make the same mistake twice.

Then a few days later I was going to Lowe's, and I noticed that the Spanish words announcing which was the entrance and which was the exit, were the same size as the English words. I had to stop and take a good look for the Entrance. Wow - another trap for me. I didn't want to get caught standing in front of the exit again like a dope and subject myself to ridicule. This is a lot to think about when you're just trying to get in the place and buy a new showerhead. I never thought that I would have to strategize and map out a plan to get into a store. I think I am going to do a little reconnaissance trip before I go to Home Depot.

Then there are the infamous revolving doors at restaurants. Have you ever noticed how many kids and seniors get trapped in there. I saw one so jammed up one night I thought we were going to need Copperfield to teleport these folks out. I really think the hostess has the fire department on autodial just in case. I've also seen seniors go for a round trip, thinking they were in the restaurant, only to find themselves bewildered and back out on the sidewalk. Luckily for the management they didn't walk right to their car saying "it was good, and not that filling".

BBFN - Fanatticman

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