Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Boehner et al

Lots in the news about John Boehner, the so called "Weeper 0f the House", and his penchant for turning on the waterworks at the mention of, well, nearly anything. Hey, who can blame the guy? He's looking ahead at what he is walking into and it's not pretty. They say herding cats is difficult - child's play compared to trying to lead this band of gutless, unscrupulous and mediocre folks who really don't care about anything except self-preservation. There are a few exceptions to this sweeping characterization, but you've seen what this gang has done over the last several years. As Emmitt Smith would say, they have"debacled" their responsibilties to govern in the best interest of the people who put them there. So stop all the banter about weepy John - he has peered into the future and there are a lot more tears from both sides yet to be shed.

Then there is Barry O meeting today with leaders of industry and business at the Blair House. You can tell what he really thinks of this crowd because he won't even invite them into the manor, only the guest house. Now the Lakers get to pose in the WH because he thinks he can garner a few tips about his crossover and his lame lefty jumper - that's important stuff. But let's stow these billionaires and millionaires who help make this country run over across the street. That way he can sneak over there for a few minutes, have some punch and a sugar cookie and make them feel like they are being listened to - because that is what he is doing, listening and not hearing.

Enough of politics. Just have faith that our country will self correct; it always has and I believe that " we the people" will ensure that it does once again.

BBFN - Fanatticman

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