Monday, December 27, 2010

Prescription Drug Warnings

Have you listened to the warnings for side effects for prescription drugs that are advertised on TV? Holy Cow - the conditions these things are supposed to fix can't be worse than their side effects.

There's one ad for a drug called Abilify. I forget what it's supposed to treat (could be memory loss), but anyway I won't be taking it anytime soon. Why if you take this stuff, it sounds like your arm could fall off, or your eyes pop out of your head - I mean the list of side effects goes on so long they have to continue it in the next episode.

Then there's one for an asthma drug where they say something like,"taking this drug may cause death more often than using an inhaler". Did he just say death ?
What doctor prescribes this stuff, Dr. Jekyll? I'm sure Marcus Welby is sticking with the old inhaler for his patients.

And then the prescription sleep aids have another litany of warnings including bad breath, thoughts of suicide and depression. I wonder how they expect people to sleep when they are making them suicidal and depressed - you know suicide can't be good for their refill business. It also says that it could cause you to sleep walk or take a drive during the night which you may not remember. You can bet wives are handing these zombies the keys because they're sick of that bad breath blowing on them for eight hours.

BBFN - Fanatticman

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